Über Goober sells out at Drafthouse

The Über Goober showing at the Alamo Drafthouse in Austin sold out in PRE-BOX OFFICE sales.  It went very well, and I (Steve) want to thank everyone who showed up to see it.  I also apologize to everyone who didn’t get a chance to see it.  The Alamo is already talking about another screening in October, and also possibly one in Houston.  In the meantime, we’ll keep the site up to date on other screenings coming up.

Steve Jackson introduces Über Goober

A very special thanks to Steve Jackson for introducing me and the film at the Alamo Drafthouse.  It was an honor to have him there, and you can read his review here: http://www.sjgames.com/ill/archives.html?y=2004&m=July&d=22

Über Goober at Alamo Drafthouse

Über Goober was shown at the (Downtown) Alamo Drafthouse in Austin, Texas at 7pm.  Tickets were $6.50 ($5.00 if you had your student ID).  Read more at their site (click on Über Goober on July 21st on the calendar).  There was only one showing, so people had to buy tickets early.  Oh, and you could also buy drinks and dinner there while you watch.

Über Goober Gear Now Available

Über Goober gear, like the shirt shown below, is now available for purchase through CafePress.com. Please visit and look around, even if you don’t buy anything.

Über Goober Screening at Origins

We will be screening selects from Über Goober at Origins!  There will be at least four screenings at Origins, June 24-27, in Columbus, Ohio.  The confirmed times and places are:

Thursday, June 24th, 2004 (10pm – Midnight)

Friday, June 25th, 2004 (3pm – 5pm)

Saturday, June 26th, 2004 (8pm – 10pm)
location: Hyatt Regency, Delaware D

Sunday, June 27th, 2004 (2pm – 4pm)

Almost all screenings to take place in the Multi-Media presentation room, Ballroom 1, across from Main Registration.  See Origins program for locations of screenings.  There should be seating for 200 – 300.  The filmmaker, Steve Metze, will be in attendance for a Q&A after each of the screenings, except Wednesday.  The price of screenings is included the cost of registration.  Also, DVDs, posters, and other Über Goober stuff may be available ONLY at the screenings.

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